Behavior Development Theory

Gloria Schneider’s Behavior Development Theory (BDT) addresses the root cause of problems in behavior ranging from Misbehavior, Depression, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Anorexia, Bulimia, Low motivation, Learning Disabilities, and Hostile Disobedience to Authority.

All these problems have the same solution.  The Solution lies in how children think and how much rage they are building on an unconscious level. 

High Rage = Low Self-Esteem = Poor Mental Health = Bad Behavior

the inverse is also true

Low Rage = High Self-Esteem = Good Mental Health = Good Behavior

To treat the behavior problem you have to trace it back to the source of the rage.  The rage that we are speaking of is caused by unmet developmental needs.  Using Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - Pyramid

We find that the predominant need that is being unmet is Love and Belonging.  

So, how do we meet this need? 

Look at a child with interest, caring and love.  Touch a child with tenderness.  Speak to a  child with concern.  Listen to a child with respect.  These are the things that build self-esteem in children.

Your message to the child is I love you; you are important to me; I care about your feelings.  This message gives a child a sense of his own worth.  Other things build self-esteem in children, e.g. accomplishments and praise.  But the single most important element is your love for him as expressed through your expression, touch and voice. ~ By Gloria Schneider, M.A., Director

Often, we can do this except when we discipline.  This is usually where we are missing the mark.  That is why we recommend Esteem-Enhancing Discipline






Low Motivation

Learning Disabilities


Case Studies

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